13th edition of the International Advertising and Printing Trade Fair RemaDays Warsaw is already history.

It was an event one simply had to participate in. Over 760 exhibitors came to such a conclusion and their latest achievements could be taken a look at with admiration by almost 21,000 visitors over three days. This was a great industry feast.
Already for the thirteenth time, the capital of Poland hosted the RemaDays Warsaw and, in the unanimous opinion, it was an extremely successful event. 768 suppliers presented their offer in the area of 35,000 m2, including a 100 foreign ones. As early as on the first day, we had many more visitors than in the previous years, and after the three days’ event, we recorded a record-breaking number of visitors, almost 21,000. It was an increase by more than 10%. This year’s event enjoyed record-breaking interest from foreign visitors (an increase of 53%) as evidenced by representatives from almost 50 countries.

Visitors coming to Warsaw could take advantage of free buses, whereas those with their own means of transport had over 7,000 parking spaces waiting for them. Due to a larger space, there were more (no less than 19) rest zones with eating places, which significantly increased the comfort of participation in the trade fair. Furthermore, RELAX ZONES were also enjoyed by lots of people where, in a total area of 700 m2, our guests could get some rest and have a coffee, but also use free Internet. Free Internet was also used in the restaurants.

Visitors to the trade fair had the opportunity to improve their knowledge at the RemaCongress. On the first day of the trade fair, cycles of lectures were given by representatives of Texet Poland, with professor Leszek Balcerowicz and the CEO and founder of New Wave Group, Torsten Jansson, as the leading stars. Workshops were conducted by: Katarzyna Ru?, Piotr Wojciechowski, Aleksander Poche?, Iwona Studzi?ska and Agnieszka Rudnicka. At the special invitation of DRUKOMAT.PL, Pawe? Tkaczyk, Micha? Sadowski and Jacek K?osi?ski gave their lectures.

Also the winners of contests connected with the Warsaw event for many years enjoyed their big moments at the RemaDays. Right at the beginning, we got to know who won in Korona Reklamy contest. Moreover, the best companies in the individual industry sectors were awarded: Out&InDoorSystems, GiftsWorld, TechnologyPark, PrintShow.

On the same day, The Prizes for Innovation were also presented. The jury awarded gold, silver and bronze medals for the most innovative solutions, machines and devices of 2017.
On the second day of the industry feast, Monika Wr?bel from JAGATEX enjoyed her happy moments when her business card was the winning one in the Lottery for visitors. This time the winner left the capital with an Apple Pro 13.3 Retina laptop and a GP Deskjet Advantage 3635 printer.

On the last day of the RemaDays Warsaw 2017, company representatives had their five minutes, i.e. those who received the greatest recognition from the visitors. During the Business Breakfast, the best catalogues and gifts of the year were awarded. For two days, the visitors to one of the largest advertising and printing trade fair could choose the most distinctive catalogues and the most interesting promotional products. Partners of the programme Solidni w Biznesie took part in the announcement of results of the Gifts of the Year and the Catalogue of the Year contests. Full list of winners is also available on the website www.remadays.com, in Contest tab.

The 13th edition of the Advertising and Printing Trade Fair RemaDays came to an end. Crowds of visitors, established business contacts, a number of singed contracts and splendid atmosphere proved that “13” could also stand for success.

Thank you for putting you trust in us once more. We wish you lots of success and already invite you to Warsaw for the next year’s event!


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